In Touch

In Touch allows people who have moved away from Cullompton to contact distant family’s, and friends still based in Cullompton. It allows you to to leave a message and for them to contact you.

Due to time constraints setting up this service, you will need to send us the details, and we shall do the donkey work with putting the details online etc. But we’re soon allow you to do this from the comfort in your own home using your Cully Online account.

How can I leave a message for someone i’m looking for?

Email us, providing all the details and a message, and we’ll put this online for you.

I see a message, i think its for me!. How can i reply?

For now, simply contact us at Cully Online, and we’re try and get you in contact, soon we’re provide access online to do this yourself. Naturally we’re provide security to prevent this service from being abused!



I am trying to trace a Margaret Smith who worked at the Baptist manse in the 1930s to 40s does any body know what happened to her? Any imformation gratefully recieved. [If you contact Cully Online first we can put you in touch with Rose Dawn]

Also if any of the older generation know if Margaret was on the photo of what appears to be the railway station steps, please let Rose Dawn know.


LAST SEEN 13 YEARS AGO Mum Susan Margaret Sister Sarah Aldridge Brother Lee Wilson Please if you know the whereabouts or know any of the above please contact: Gary [If you contact Cully Online first we can put you in touch with Gary]


Im trying to find a friend who moved to cullompton with her parents in the late 70s,her name is dinky bailey she had a son,toby? i would like to be in contact with her .if anybody knows the whereabouts of her or her family it would be very much appreciated. Dean [If you contact Cully Online first we can put you in touch with Dean]


Please can anyone help me I am researching the family of Richard Frost my Great Grandfather who lived in New Street Cullompton around 1851 until his death in 1886. Richard Frost was a Cordwainer . Other members of the family were wife Jane, sons Henry and Silas. The other person I am interested in is Richard’s cousin Robert Frost 1812 -1886 he was deaf and dumb. Thanks June Pritchard


Hi I”m researching my family history and my great grandmother was a Kate Jane Gillingham from Cullompton. Is there anyone who can shed light on this family who lived at Wheatcroft Farm as I”m not getting very far with this research. Thanks Val


Trying to trace a friend who lives in Cullompton called Dr Cope can you help? Cath


hi i wonder if anyone can help me find my dad he was living in cullompton last i heard but ive lost his address his name is russ rowe and he is married to carol the last time i heard they had one daughter the only thing i can remember about there address is it was starlings way or something like that i think if you can help please email me. sian rowe

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