QUANTITY was down but quality was as high a ever at Saturday’s Kingston St Mary Flower Show.Show secretary Annie Trolley said the event in the village hall attracted 304 entries from 49 competitors – down from 450 items from 65 people last year.She said: “Whether that is due to the weather or people away on summer holidays, who knows?”Despite this, there were some truly amazing entries.”A big thank you to all those who either helped or entered and to our supporters who turned up on the day to enjoy tea and cake. Last, but not least, well done to all the trophy winners.”CUP WINNERS.Vegetables (overall), Bill Hayes; vegetable collection, best vegetable exhibit, best flower exhibit, Joseph Heayns; flowers (overall), larder items, Jane House; indoor plant, homecraft (overall), Annie Trolley; decorative arrangement, Joan Fitton; loaf of bread, Marian Dunsford; painting (watercolour), Daniel Hill; painting (other medium), sculpture, handicraft, Sheila Jones.
Source: MidDevonStar